About Me

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Hi! I’m Oliver. I work at The Financial Times as the Tech Lead on the Advertising and Privacy team, where I’m having a blast building out a new advertising platform for the FT Group. You can read more about that journey in this series of articles on Project Gwyneth.

I got into software development (after deciding I didn’t want to be a barrister) in about 2007 because I wanted to help make the web more accessible; fifteen years later that aspiration continues to guide & inspire. From designing and documenting Cloud architecture and scalable APIs, to authoring maintainable CSS and accessible markup, and from thinking about testable systems to observability, I love building for the web.

Portrait of Oliver

In my free time I co-organise London CSS, coach at Codebar, and teach myself new tricks by building projects with tools, frameworks and technologies I find interesting. You can see a list of some of the things I’ve built on my projects page.

My wife and I live in North London together with Lesley the Fox. You can follow Lesley’s adventures on Instagram (warning: danger of cute overload).

If you would like to natter, I can be found on Mastodon. If you’re interested working together, my resumé is available on LinkedIn.